CafeMom Tickers CafeMom Tickers

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sleeping Struggles

How could I be so horrible? After 30 minutes of rocking and nursing after reading and cuddling, I put the sleeping Rina in her crib. She woke up upon impact with the mattress gentle as it may have been. I patted and tried soothing her from outside of the crib bit of course it didn't work. Daddy tried: also unsuccessful. Jr woke up from all of the crying which had become screaming. Now do not feel bad for her. She is more than loved, I pretty much do the bidding of a 1 year old on a daily basis. Even now she is in my arms, back in the rocking chair, exactly where she wanted to be the entire time. Tonight I was just tired though. I thought maybe she would just fall back asleep. When she didn't I felt picking her up and beginning all over would be surrender of sorts, to a baby. But now I see how stupid that thought was because I eventually did get her out and could have saved another 30 minutes by picking her up in the first place. Oh well, tomorrow is another night. Goodnight, Karina my little love, see you around 3 am.
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1 comment:

Amy said...

I bet that's a universal experience for all mothers. Hang in there, Seneca.