CafeMom Tickers CafeMom Tickers

Thursday, July 17, 2008

This is Junior's toast gun. It's about 45 seconds long but you have to watch to the end to get the full effect. It's funny in a "oh goodness don't do that, you'll make me look like a terrible parent" kinda way. Haha

Back in the picture buisiness

Now I can take pictures again, that's not saying that I will get them up online or that I will get any good shots.

i just tried to upload a video of Junior shooting the camera with his cinnamon toast this morning. It was pretty funny, but it isn't working. I'll try again later and put some more pictures up then too. I have to go to school now. Ugh I hate school.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My destiny

Is to never share or take pictures with anyone. We bought the new camera and have already rendered it useless. Thats right, approximately 2 weeks after purchase we got the memory card stuck in my computer. It's a memory stick, y Sony. It will not fit in my card reader. I guess you have to buy an adapter for the memory stick. The XD cards and SD cards work fine.
Gah. I put it in there, then found out it didn't fit, but it was still reachable. Miceles comes along thinking he can fix it and ends up pushing it further in. Now it's too far in there nothing can get it out. I will either take it to a computer repair place I guess or buy a new memory card. but if I just buy a new card, I'll never be able to use the card reader again.

I have the worst luck!

Oh and I just found out that baby Sal's crib got recalled yesterday or today. Nice.