CafeMom Tickers CafeMom Tickers

Friday, June 19, 2009

Im kind of irritated this picture thing isnt working. I should work

just a few pics




mobile blogging works

So it works. I can blog from my phone. My mobile posts will likely be qute short and full of typos. It is just not worth the hassle of correcting punctuation and capitalizing. Sorry. I don't think the pictures from the phone will work, that is kind of a disapointment.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

So i set up mobile blogging. This is my test, if it works there will be more frequent posts from me. Next test: pictures. Now wouldn't that be sweet!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Our weekend fun

This weekend Junior and Rina and I spent some good afternoons outside. I really like this city, I love the metro parks and the city parks and all of that good stuff. On Saturday we met Jenny and Noah and Jenny's little ister (not real little sister) at highbanks for a walk. Jr had a good time. Noah was gracious enough to race with Jr and keep him entertained:



Sunday afternoon we missed Junior's final swimming lesson, That was not so upset though. He doesn't really love it and it is alwys at naptime so he is cranky. We hung out with Grandma and Grandpa instead. We went to the Park ot Roses and had a nice time:





