CafeMom Tickers CafeMom Tickers

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

junior says:

lkllllllllllllllllllllip mkj y szr fdfccccccc hbn j hjjjjj u y y y n hjjjjjj u g y

Translation: Mommy is the best daddy is not!I like to bang stuff like they keyboard!

Mommy says:
I am going back to school on the 19 and I am bummed. I have loved having this time off to spend with Junior. He is so awesome! He changes everyday. He is playing on the ground next to me making happy noises right now.
His hair is starting to fill in around the sides. his cute puff on the top is still the star of the show though. there has been a lot going on lately. I need to do this blogging thing more often.

pictures to come...

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