CafeMom Tickers CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

End of a chaper

The kids and I went to the library Sunday. It was impromptu. We were driving and started talking about books or something so we drove by to see if the library was open yet and it was! So we went it. Before we did that I made rule we can only get a few books since we didn't bring a bag.  My first stop   at the library is  to the info desk. I always a fine to pay. ALWAYS. Today's was a whopper. $20! Another reason to limit the number of books we get.

The kids went to pick books; no one listened to my rule about just a few books. I should have given them a specific number. Like two. Two books each is good. They stacked about 12 each on the table. As they picked I went wandering for good read alouds for us. And then I looked around and got caught up watching them. In the young readers area. Not in picture books with me. It really hit me. I sat down and started sorting their books and almost cried in the library. Right there at a small table, in a small chair I had to fight back tears.  

We have spent countless hours in the libraries of Columbus. They are fabulous. From baby story times to rainy days it has been a source of renewable, free, quality entertainment. Entertainment that goes home for continuous enjoyment! And now it is yet another marker of my children's growth. Or a smack in the face reminding me I don't have babies anymore. 

Karina is going to kindergarten next year and wis beginning to learn to read. Jr is reading fluently at this point. He developed so much this year in first grade. Board books went years ago. Picture books are next and it will continue this way I know. Doesn't mean I have to be ready.

Oh look! the list of favorite books on the side of this blog reflects how much they have changed. The updated list would include Fly Guy and Desperaux  not little baby books anymore. Sigh.

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