Jr's pet frog died a little over a week ago.( not the one in the pic, we still have it and it is alive) We were told to give it tropical fish flakes. It didn't eat and the poor thing starved. We replaced it and got a new type of food tor it. We were told we were given bad advice the first time, African Dwarf frogs are bottom feeders and need something that sinks. So we got shrimp pellets. Miceles had a pet frog named Spot for a few years as a kid and that is what Spot ate. Well Foggy Frog #2 was not eating those either. They sank to the bottom of the tank and the frog didn't touch them. They start to dissolve after a few hours and after a few days have what looks like mold all over them.
Fearing the death of our second frog I went to a pet store and got what they recommended, frog and tadpole food. Duh right? I came home that night and totally cleaned the tank. Changed the water, rinsed the rocks, did everything by the book. Then fed it some of the new food. Two days later and still it has not eaten anything. I'm going to have to clean moldy bits out again.
Tomorrow I am going to buy blood worms. I read online that they like those. We'll see. I feel bad for the frogs but am also getting fairly frustrated. Blood worms are our last shot. I'd take advice if there is any out there.
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