CafeMom Tickers CafeMom Tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Junior had fun. Everyone loved his costume, I mean everyone! I guess you don't see very many little chefs. He wore his hat too so I was glad. He only wore it part time but that was better than I thought he would do. A lot of people thought he was a girl. With his hat on they couldn't tell. I didn't even try to correct them.

We only had a few people come to our house so we have a ton of candy. Jr has quite a fondness for candy, not good. So anyone who needs some can come on over!



Anonymous said...

Oh, for cryin' out loud, he's so cute it isn't even fair. these got a big "Awww" from me.

Anonymous said...

Totalally adorable! He can cook up something for me anytime.
--Great Grandma Morris