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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Freaking Vaccines!

It has bee a 'rumor" or hypothesis of sorts for a while now that vaccines in children are linked to autism. I have known about it and even did a bit of research. But Junior still got all of his vaccines on time. Why would I do it if I worried about it so much? I have no clue. I guess I was just being lazy and choosing to put my sons fate in the hand of professionals.

So there was a study done on monkeys recently. In this study infant monkeys were given the same vaccines that we give to our children and on the same schedule. the one recommended by the CDC. Well sadly the baby monkeys showed symptoms of autism. behavioral and biomedical symptoms.

Vaccines have benefits- no doubt about it. But there are bad things about them too. I think they need to be fixed some. Baby Sal is 18 months old and has had a ton of vaccines. All on schedule. they have to be done in order for us to get some types governmental assistance. He will not need another shot till he is 5 years old.

So now I wonder if I did the right thing. He shows no signs of being autistic that I can tell but what if he did. Of course we would love him the same and treat him the same but I know that I would feel guilty and blame myself.

Here is a link if anyone wants to read about it.


Anonymous said...

I think a lot more research needs to be done, and then we have to weigh the benefits and detractions. We all had vaccines, you and Salim had vaccines, and everyone you know had vaccines, and I'm not sure we know a single autistic person. HOWEVER, I have known several survivors of Polio in my life, with varying degrees of handicaps, from limping to wheelchairs. Most people didn't survive polio. Thanks to vaccines, people just don't get polio anymore.

While there may be an increase in autism, it may or may not be related to vaccines. I think right now people are grasping at straws, and the anti-vaccine crowd (of which I was once a part, even though I had you vaccinated) seems always to look for another reason not to get them.

But the same people will willingly use homeopathic remedies, which is a similar concept.

Bottom line, I know it's a hard decision to make, but given what we know about some of those deadly diseases, I think you should cut yourself some slack about the vaccines. I finally did.


Anonymous said...

After reading the article, I do wonder about the metals. It looks like it's not the actual concept of the vaccine that is suspected, but rather the addition of heavy metals. Some people are definitely more susceptible to mercury than others. Wonder why they won't seriously consider a different formula?

Anonymous said...

Since Laura worked with autistic kids for 7 years, she has heard this one a lot also. Pros in the field say the vaccines are not to blame, and she thinks the vaccine theory is total bunk.

Then again, you read/hear personal accounts by some parents, and it seems impossible to dismiss. I'm sure this will be one of many dilemmas you will face in trying to figure out the best for your child. I'm with your mom. Cut yourself some slack and know that all any of us can do is the best we can with the information we have at the time.
