We are not certain what we will plant yet. We went to Home Depot and picked some green Zinnias and other green things. I want to get some Dahlias in white but beyond that I don't know. I'll try to go to a nursery this weekend. I'm trying to stick to greens and whites for colors.
Below is what I've already purchased. Again, I'm not sure how it will turn out. The arrangement above is clearly professional but it's the color scheme I was imagining.
I wouldn't mind more colors but sal is pretty set on keeping all the froofy, girly stuff away. I'm cool with that.
Grandma and I also worked on the dress a little this weekend. I did a terrible job of basting some pieces and the kids played with pins and buttons. Jr had all the spare spools of thread "training". He couldn't tell us what for. They appeared to be training for battle.
Karina sorted all the buttons. She found an earring in the box of buttons. Just one. Of course I had to wear it and take a picture.
I still have it on. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if Grandma wanted us to stop coming over to "work". We are not very productive.