When I told Jr it was time to head to the bath he got very frustrated and said "damn it" while slamming his fists on the couch. Immediately I told him that is not ok and we do not use bad words like that. I sent him upstairs to get ready to get in the bath. I grabbed some pjs from a basket and followed a moment later. When I hot to his room o heard him crying and telling KJ what a bad boy he was. Then I asked him why he was so upset. (i Don't believe anyone has ever told him he was a bad kid) he proceeded to tell me he does bad things like steal toys from people and say bad words and take KJ's toys. - While he was listing I thought of a few more (hitting sister, etc.) but decided not to mention them at that time ;)
It was heart breaking. Also slightly amusing. I tried to tell him he is not a bad person for saying bad words, and if it makes him feel so bad not to do it again. He was hysterical so I dont think any of it sunk in.
He had a long day and took it out on himself.
He also has newly discovered allergies. The picture shows his puffy swolen eyes, the result of tears and leaving the allergy medicine at someone else's house. He wanted me to take his picture bit refused to smile. The end was rough, but Daddy says they had a good day visiting family.
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