Junior is doing pretty good with using the potty. He shows al of the readiness signs, but he just will not say wen he has to go. Once he already has gone in his diaper/underwear/pants he might tell me he did it. Oh well, other than hat he does really well. If I am there to take him to the toilet every once in a while he will have no accidents, i just have to keep reminding him.
He has a new fondness of race cars. He runs around the house going vroom vroom. It is so funny to watch him rev up then take off down the hall. He is making car noises in his sleep right now actually. :) I love him, he is great.
Oh and Jr really seems to enjoy all of Karina's things, her crib, her mobile,her carseat
Her swing:
Her Bumbo:
He is a good helper in the kitchen:
Loves to watch movies and one time even fell asleep watching Wall-E with Grandpa:
New development since I began typing this: Rina noticed and began watching her hands. Really cute to see!