The rarely updated story of our lives. Wedding planning, child rearing and general growing up.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I suck
I didn't take a single picture on Christmas. Karina's first ever. Oh well, poor second child.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Since Junior's birthday was on Tuesday, and he and I had the day off school for Veterans day, Daddy took off work and we went to COSI. Not the resturant for anyone who didn't know. This is the Center Of Science and Industry. Like a learning museum for kids big and little. We all had fun:

And at the end of the day we had a birthday brownie!
And at the end of the day we had a birthday brownie!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Halloween pictures!
Karina was a football and Junior was a referee. Juniors costume did not get all the accessories I wanted, the flag, hat and whistle, but he was still obviously a referee. big thanks to my mama, she made Karina's costume. I have these ridiculous grand plans, and she does all the work. I really need to find a way to properly thank her.

I'll put some more pictures up in a few days. Tuesday was Juniors 3rd birthday! I can't really believe it. We had no real party, just a few little "celebrations" I'll put those pictures up either Sunday or next Monday after his final get together.
Not Halloween related, but cute and funny all the same, Karina with a mouth full of dirt. YUM! She gets into the house plants as much as she can and digs in the dirt like a little puppy. I have a crazy looking makeshift barricade up for now, but she sometimes still gets through. And this is the result:
I'll put some more pictures up in a few days. Tuesday was Juniors 3rd birthday! I can't really believe it. We had no real party, just a few little "celebrations" I'll put those pictures up either Sunday or next Monday after his final get together.
Not Halloween related, but cute and funny all the same, Karina with a mouth full of dirt. YUM! She gets into the house plants as much as she can and digs in the dirt like a little puppy. I have a crazy looking makeshift barricade up for now, but she sometimes still gets through. And this is the result:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
things to share
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Bad blogger
i do one of these posts about every 3 months or so. and it's true I am a bad blogger. I feel like a blog about my children is really no good without pictures. I'm not great witty writer so just reading about them is not a s fun.
Karina is crawling and can really get around. She also loves to eat, unlike her brother.
Jr loves going to school everyday. It's fantastic! I was so worried he would hate it. It was just about a year ago when he went to daycare for the first time. He cried and was so sad. Now he is at the right age I think and he gets so much more from it than he can get from being in my care, or at Grandma's with Rina. The interaction with other children and with adults who are not family is really good for him. I'm really pleased with the situation.
If and when I take some pictures I will upload them. I have been using Salim's camera, but the battery died and I don't have the charger. I'm afraid I should and just have lost it though, so I'm afraid to ask him for it.
Karina is crawling and can really get around. She also loves to eat, unlike her brother.
Jr loves going to school everyday. It's fantastic! I was so worried he would hate it. It was just about a year ago when he went to daycare for the first time. He cried and was so sad. Now he is at the right age I think and he gets so much more from it than he can get from being in my care, or at Grandma's with Rina. The interaction with other children and with adults who are not family is really good for him. I'm really pleased with the situation.
If and when I take some pictures I will upload them. I have been using Salim's camera, but the battery died and I don't have the charger. I'm afraid I should and just have lost it though, so I'm afraid to ask him for it.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I've switched to cloth diapers pretty much. I bought a bunch of cheap, made in China pocket diapers off eBay. They are very brightly colored. I like them ok. They are very simple to use, but they are quite bulky. I also would like some more, different styles, that sort of thing. I've started making some with my mom. To actually go out and buy cloth diapers is a ridiculous expense. they are like 20 bucks each. Crazy. They come in all sorts of cute and luxurious fabrics and are made in the USA and all that jazz, but really, I can't afford them. After all, this is supposed to be saving money. So Rather than stock my diaper bag with name brand diapers I have decided to make my own. I sew, a skill I am glad to have, but rarely put to use. I wish I had more time and hands so I could do the necessary work required to make them awesome and perfect, but they are, so far, good enough.
I think I need to make a trip to the thrift store for fabrics.

I think I need to make a trip to the thrift store for fabrics.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The sandbox
Junior has a purple sandbox that we inherited from the neighbors. I think it's a dinosaur. My mom and Steve Bought some sand for it a couple of months ago and Junior loved it. One time we put a little water in it to make shapes or something and he hasn't liked it since. I guess it's never completely dried out, but it's pretty much there. Since Karina can sit by her self I put her in it and she loved it. She tasted it of course. What fun we will have at the beach next week!

You can't tell me he isn't the most charming little dude ever.
You can't tell me he isn't the most charming little dude ever.
Friday, July 31, 2009
things I'm thinking
I'm at work bored, my boss is in a closing and I have nothing to do till he is done. I have not blogged in a while so I will update on the children.
Junior- He is getting taller I know it. He is still a little peanut but I think he will catch up eventually. He has been pretty ornery lately. I'm not sure why, but I am having a hard time dealing with it.
Karina-She is growing so fast! She sits up on her own now. that to me is a big deal. when they can only lay there they seem more infant like. Still small and needy, sitting is the first step on the road to independence. She like it though. It has opened up more activities for her. She can sit in the bathtub and play a while. She got to sit in the sandbox yesterday.She can just sit on a blanket and entertain herself with some toys.
She ate sand in the sandbox, so I gave her some water. She loves water. She is not yet eating any solid food, but she seems to want to badly. I let her drink water sometimes and she can't get enough. It's so funny to see her attack the cup.
I made a mistake and double order the cloth diapers I wanted to try. There were some cheap ones on eBay. 14 of them for $60 is a steal, whether they are good quality or not didn't matter too much since I just wanted to try them. Well I accidental bought 14 and then another 11. So 25 total. They are OK. It took me a day or two to figure out what worked and didn't. I want to but some different kinds but they are so dang expensive!
Cloth diapering may be good for the environment but it will not save you money!
Junior- He is getting taller I know it. He is still a little peanut but I think he will catch up eventually. He has been pretty ornery lately. I'm not sure why, but I am having a hard time dealing with it.
Karina-She is growing so fast! She sits up on her own now. that to me is a big deal. when they can only lay there they seem more infant like. Still small and needy, sitting is the first step on the road to independence. She like it though. It has opened up more activities for her. She can sit in the bathtub and play a while. She got to sit in the sandbox yesterday.She can just sit on a blanket and entertain herself with some toys.
She ate sand in the sandbox, so I gave her some water. She loves water. She is not yet eating any solid food, but she seems to want to badly. I let her drink water sometimes and she can't get enough. It's so funny to see her attack the cup.
I made a mistake and double order the cloth diapers I wanted to try. There were some cheap ones on eBay. 14 of them for $60 is a steal, whether they are good quality or not didn't matter too much since I just wanted to try them. Well I accidental bought 14 and then another 11. So 25 total. They are OK. It took me a day or two to figure out what worked and didn't. I want to but some different kinds but they are so dang expensive!
Cloth diapering may be good for the environment but it will not save you money!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
mobile blogging works
So it works. I can blog from my phone. My mobile posts will likely be qute short and full of typos. It is just not worth the hassle of correcting punctuation and capitalizing. Sorry. I don't think the pictures from the phone will work, that is kind of a disapointment.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Our weekend fun
This weekend Junior and Rina and I spent some good afternoons outside. I really like this city, I love the metro parks and the city parks and all of that good stuff. On Saturday we met Jenny and Noah and Jenny's little ister (not real little sister) at highbanks for a walk. Jr had a good time. Noah was gracious enough to race with Jr and keep him entertained:

Sunday afternoon we missed Junior's final swimming lesson, That was not so upset though. He doesn't really love it and it is alwys at naptime so he is cranky. We hung out with Grandma and Grandpa instead. We went to the Park ot Roses and had a nice time:

Sunday afternoon we missed Junior's final swimming lesson, That was not so upset though. He doesn't really love it and it is alwys at naptime so he is cranky. We hung out with Grandma and Grandpa instead. We went to the Park ot Roses and had a nice time:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Rina turned 3 months old yesterday! Time gos by super fast. She is getting close to rolling from back to belly. She is very social. She loves to be talked to. As long as someone is in her face smiling and talking to her she is all smiles.

Junior is doing pretty good with using the potty. He shows al of the readiness signs, but he just will not say wen he has to go. Once he already has gone in his diaper/underwear/pants he might tell me he did it. Oh well, other than hat he does really well. If I am there to take him to the toilet every once in a while he will have no accidents, i just have to keep reminding him.
He has a new fondness of race cars. He runs around the house going vroom vroom. It is so funny to watch him rev up then take off down the hall. He is making car noises in his sleep right now actually. :) I love him, he is great.
Oh and Jr really seems to enjoy all of Karina's things, her crib, her mobile,her carseat
Her swing:

Her Bumbo:

He is a good helper in the kitchen:

Loves to watch movies and one time even fell asleep watching Wall-E with Grandpa:

New development since I began typing this: Rina noticed and began watching her hands. Really cute to see!
Junior is doing pretty good with using the potty. He shows al of the readiness signs, but he just will not say wen he has to go. Once he already has gone in his diaper/underwear/pants he might tell me he did it. Oh well, other than hat he does really well. If I am there to take him to the toilet every once in a while he will have no accidents, i just have to keep reminding him.
He has a new fondness of race cars. He runs around the house going vroom vroom. It is so funny to watch him rev up then take off down the hall. He is making car noises in his sleep right now actually. :) I love him, he is great.
Oh and Jr really seems to enjoy all of Karina's things, her crib, her mobile,her carseat
Her swing:
Her Bumbo:
He is a good helper in the kitchen:
Loves to watch movies and one time even fell asleep watching Wall-E with Grandpa:
New development since I began typing this: Rina noticed and began watching her hands. Really cute to see!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I suck at blogging
Sometimes I do pretty well, most of the time not so much.
I have no new pictures to add. I think I will try to take some this weekend. It's a long weekend and the weather should be nice, at least for some of it.
I am ready for spring quarter to end. I am not going taking classes this summer. I'm a little afraid since I have never taken a break, but I am pretty burnt out so 3.5 months should be good for that. I do have to get a job though, or an internship. Preferably an internship really. Paid of course or I would just stay home all day. I have not had a job since 2006 and that was only for like a month or two.
if anyone knows of a job/internship for a college student with bad grades and no work experience let me know!
I have no new pictures to add. I think I will try to take some this weekend. It's a long weekend and the weather should be nice, at least for some of it.
I am ready for spring quarter to end. I am not going taking classes this summer. I'm a little afraid since I have never taken a break, but I am pretty burnt out so 3.5 months should be good for that. I do have to get a job though, or an internship. Preferably an internship really. Paid of course or I would just stay home all day. I have not had a job since 2006 and that was only for like a month or two.
if anyone knows of a job/internship for a college student with bad grades and no work experience let me know!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
scheduling for classes
I'm on campus, in the library, scheduling my classes for autumn quarter right now. I have some nice hard classes on there so I decided I will take a light weight one, I'm thinking Yoga maybe. So as I'm going through the list of classes in that department I see: EDUPAES 250 - 0010 How to Avoid Dying from Cancer Now and Later
I remember seeing this class when I was scheduling for this current quarter. It was strangely funny then and is still slightly amusing. Now cancer is not funny, we all know that. It is quite possibly one of the worst things around. It ruins lives. But a class on how to avoid it? That seems silly. I guess I must not know much about cancer, but I didn't think you could just take a class and then prevent cancer for the rest of you life. Maybe I will take it just to see what it's all about.
Okay so now I feel bad. i am not making light of cancer or even cancer prevention, but this class to me seems off. It's not like people who have any type of cancer did something to get it. It just happens. I'm sure there are things that may make it more likely, but it's not like it's a choice to prevent it or not.
I remember seeing this class when I was scheduling for this current quarter. It was strangely funny then and is still slightly amusing. Now cancer is not funny, we all know that. It is quite possibly one of the worst things around. It ruins lives. But a class on how to avoid it? That seems silly. I guess I must not know much about cancer, but I didn't think you could just take a class and then prevent cancer for the rest of you life. Maybe I will take it just to see what it's all about.
Okay so now I feel bad. i am not making light of cancer or even cancer prevention, but this class to me seems off. It's not like people who have any type of cancer did something to get it. It just happens. I'm sure there are things that may make it more likely, but it's not like it's a choice to prevent it or not.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
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